COLOSSUS | EPM27434 | 29KM2

EPM27434 granted on 14/6/2021 for a period of 5 years

  • Tenement comprises 9 subblocks over ~29km2

  • Located 45km west of Burketown, northwest Queensland

  • Native Title agreement in place with the Gangalidda and Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation

Targeting Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) mineralisation

  • Located under cover on a semi-coincident magnetic and gravity high at the southern margin of the paleo-Proterozoic Murphy Tectonic Ridge

  • IOCG prospectivity modelled as part of a QLD government New Economy Minerals Initiative (Sustainable Minerals Institute Aug 2021)

  • The Colossus IOCG target is located along a modelled zone of elevated prospectivity associated with favorable source rocks and fluid pathways along with strong REE stream sediment anomalism

Historical work has not adequately tested the target

Amoco drillhole GRQ-81-2 intersected Mesozoic cover sequence to 354m followed by gabbro to eoh at 417.5m

~3km x 4km magnetic feature remains untested